[DAC] MyVeoWallet Brand New Features

Objective: Development and implementation of a new set of MyVeoWallet features for working with Amoveo oracles

Crowdfunding Goal: 20 VEO

How will this benefit the community: The main goal is to spread adoption of the Amoveo economy faster and wider than ever before. Alongside an easy-to-use graphic interface, Amoveo will be more accessible and drive new users to the platform, which in turn will result in an increase of VEO price.

Discuss this DAC and post your offers in this thread, or contact via Telegram.

More details about this DAC you can find here.

Hi guys!

The oracle is started and will be ready to accept bets once deadline is passed (block 77700, approximately August, 15th).


Please note that we offer 25% interest rate on this DAC, so if you put 1 VEO in and we fail to deliver the features (by the oracle resolution), you’ll get your 1 VEO back and 0.25 VEO more from our own initial stake.

You can ask me on Telegram to prepare an offer for you, or even create your own and publish it, for instance, on http://amoveo.exan.tech/p2p/

I’m happy to announce that we’ve successfully achieved our funding goal!

Thank you guys for participating in this DAC.

On August, 15th all the features were successfully delivered.

Oracle https://myveowallet.com/oracles/p4Ps01qUMpILksz57Fz3qm7POx4UHcchUjnGj5%2BMQzo%3D resolved to true, stating that we’ve completed DAC conditions.

On August, 30th all contracts are finished and funds are finally unlocked.

Thanks to all participants!